Friday 7 September 2012

Relationship: Should I Leave My Husband?

Q: “I have a dilemma. I have been wrestling with feelings of ending my marriage for the past few months. I love my husband and feel he is my soul mate. We met in high school and dated for about two years. He was my first.
Ten years and two marriages later we got back together in 2007 after he found me on MySpace. I have done what I feel most Black women wouldn't and held him down most of the five years we have been back together. We've been married for two years, and now after I told him I don't want to be married anymore, he wants to do all this changing and promises to get as many jobs as needed to lessen my stress. I have three children one from each marriage; ages 7, 11, and 1. Even now, I'm struggling to pay our rent alone and about to start a new job, but I'm tired of getting us out of the hole. I feel like I've lost myself with him and I’ve even lived in places I never had to live before just so we can stay together. Am I a fool? Should I just give up on love and be like the sisters who marry for money -- as I am approached by nice men with nice cars, careers, and houses, daily? I feel like I got married too early. I’ll be 31 this year! Signed, A woman who's tired of trying to raise a man and living in the hood.” – Anonymous

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