Friday 7 September 2012

Kim Kardashian Poses For V Magazine (And Compares Reality TV To Rap Music?)

Kim Kardashian is not giving up all black everything fashion (or Yeezy) any time soon. The reality chanteuse poses for V Magazine‘s “Travel Issue” feature. Shot by photographer Nick Knight, Kim covers up her famous curves, and let’s strategically placed lace and her long jet black locks do all the talking. Well, not entirely. When asked about her often controversial reality queen crown, she compares the TV phenomenon to rap music’s groundbreaking legacy:

 When rap music first came out, people were like, We don’t understand this, what is this, it’s just a fad. But rap music is definitely here to stay, and I think reality shows have proven they are as well. But when something is newer, people don’t really understand it.

That ought to get people talking.

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